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Get to know Events Manager, Mairèad

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Get to know Housekeeping Manager, Soulef

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Get to know Events Manager, Mairèad

Meet Mairèad, the Everglade’s fairy-god mother who waves her magic wand creating dream weddings, dazzling gala dinners, and fabulous functions. Name Mairéad Kelly How long have you worked for Hastings Hotels/Everglades Hotel:  I have been at the Everglades for 20 years & 8 months, but it feels like I’m only here a few months! The […]

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Get to know Housekeeping Manager, Soulef

Meet Soulef, the treasured Housekeeping Manager at the Everglades Hotel who has worked with us for 15 years. She is responsible for keeping your rooms perfect and ensuring all housekeeping duties are fulfilled to the highest standard. What does your day-to-day role look like? My main role is within the Housekeeping Department, first and foremost […]

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